Like the rings of a tree marking every year of growth, our journal can become a log of lessons learned throughout the seasons of our lives. Featuring journal prompts, activities, breathing and mindfulness exercises, and bite-sized bits of knowledge to help us slow down, experiment with new wellness practices,
Seasons of Growth
can lead us to find inner clarity, harmony, and peace.
In this beautiful self-care journal, we can discover powerful and healing practices organized by the seasons, each mirroring different stages of our growth process:
SUMMER: learning how to pace and keep tempo
FALL: opening ourselves to embrace transition and practice gratitude
WINTER: taking time to rest, reflect, and prepare
SPRING: discovering inspiration, keeping momentum
As the illuminating Marcus Bridgewater teaches in
Seasons of Growth, the path to purpose and meaning isn’t about the answers we seek, but the questions we ask. Commit to one season of the revelatory journaling exercises in this jewel of a book. Your life will be nothing short of transformed.
This journal can be very flexible for the individual person starting doing which ever season you want at whatever time in life you are. There’s a lovely introduction to get started which I enjoyed doing before picking my season... I also think this journal can be revisited. It would be nice to look back on personal growth, thoughts and accomplishments.
Marcus has created a laboratory notebook for humans. This works the same way we scientists log our observations and learn from our experiments. This is an awesome journal.